Services this week –

Sunday 14th July – Seventh Sunday after Trinity

  • Holy Communion at 9.30am at St Chad’s, Wishaw – The Rector
  • Family Communion at 11.15am at St Nicholas’, Curdworth – The Rector
    …and beyond…

    Sunday 21st July – Eighth Sunday after Trinity
  • Family Communion at 9.30am at St Chad’s, Wishaw – The Rector
  • Holy Communion at 11.15am at St Nicholas’, Curdworth – The Rector
  • Holy Communion at 11.15am at St John’s, Middleton – Rev Canon Frank

    Sunday 28th July – Ninth Sunday after Trinity
  • Family Communion at 10.30am at St Nicholas’, Curdworth – The Rector

    Sunday 4th August – Tenth Sunday after Trinity
  • Holy Communion at 9.30am at St Chad’s, Wishaw – Rev Roy Allen
  • Service of the Word at 11.15am at St John’s, Middleton – Mr Andrew

See the Newsletter for further information

Face coverings are no longer mandatory in any setting but are recommended in enclosed or crowded places, particularly where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet.
Social distancing in a place of worship is now a personal choice. People are encouraged to respect other attendees and those working who may wish to adopt a more cautious approach.
Regular use of hand sanitiser and/or hand washing is also still recommended.

Funerals in Church

You may have watched the funeral service for Queen Elizabeth, we want you to know that C of E funeral services are available for everyone. Absolutely everyone, whatever their lives have brought to them.

You don’t have to be a churchgoer!

Traditional service in church? We can help you.

Split service in Church and at the Crematorium? We can help you

Service at the crem? We can help you.

Memorial after a direct cremation? We can help you.

The content of any service for your loved one will be carefully tailored to suit your family and your loved one. Traditional elements, modern elements, personal words shared with you and for you.

We aren’t just there for a service or event, we’re there for for you during your period of mourning and afterwards too. Church is a community of support and hope. We understand that grief is a journey and can help you find your way through with prayer, conversation and special services to remember your loved one down the years.

It’s not expensive to have a funeral or memorial in church, or to have a minister lead your service at the crematorium. If we don’t know you we will get to know you, listen to you and help you say goodbye.

More forthcoming events…..


Check the latest Newsletter for full details of all forthcoming events….


Ladies’ Guild meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Church Hall. Maureen Briggs writes, “The ladies are a very lively, happy bunch who enjoy each others’ company and are keen to keep meeting. They would welcome any ladies who would like to join them.”

Next Meeting – Wednesday 17th July 2024



Details to Follow —


Middleton Fete and Horticultural show

Fete to be opened by Rev Canon Frank Longbottom at

Please try to support this popular annual event. There will be lots of stalls ,
delicious refreshments, games for the children and much more!
And don’t forget the Horticultural and Craft
Show in the Marquee. Entry form available from Middleton Village Shop.

Fete to be opened by Rev Canon Frank Longbottom at


Picnic in the Park

Join us on Sunday 14th July on the Village Green at Middleton. Bring a picnic, your favourite drinks and relax and enjoy some musical entertainment – some from the Musicals and some with a Last Night of the Proms feel. The marquee will be there and gazebos up in case of wet weather – or bring your own! It will be a lovely celebration of yet another successful Middleton Fete and Horticultural Show weekend.





Children’s Choir has started!
Practices are on Wednesdays
6.00pm-7.00pm at Curdworth Church Hall.
There are still places available. Children are welcome to come along for a ‘taster session’.
Text Margaret on 07778 458 789 to register interest or for further details.
